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[5] => ia.core.sanitize.php (5.92Kb)
[6] => ia.core.validate.php (4.61Kb)
[7] => ia.core.language.php (6.30Kb)
[8] => ia.core.users.php (32.43Kb)
[9] => ia.core.view.php (51.67Kb)
[10] => ia.core.cache.php (8.79Kb)
[11] => ia.core.util.php (12.42Kb)
[12] => ia.core.smarty.php (40.62Kb)
[13] => ia.core.breadcrumb.php (5.00Kb)
[14] => (2.75Kb)
[15] => ia.core.acl.php (12.63Kb)
[16] => <b>autoload:</b> ia.base.module.front.php (10.64Kb)
[17] => <b>package:</b> ia.front.testimonial.php (1.94Kb)
[18] => ia.core.item.php (7.95Kb)
[19] => ia.core.field.php (52.71Kb)
$_POST Empty array
$_FILES Empty array
$_GET Empty array
PHP version: 7.2.34
$_SERVER [70]
[PATH] => /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
[TEMP] => /tmp
[TMP] => /tmp
[TMPDIR] => /tmp
[PWD] => /
[HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*
[csrftoken] => Nf06Vll16tsWNUpMcrYSqPHTsVrEgBgvqO2rOCMy
$_COOKIE Empty array